How long did the Nuna 4 team to drive from Darwin to Adelaide?
33 hours and 17 minutes.
What was their average speed?
90.07 km per hour.
How far is it from Darwin to Adelaide?
3021 km with nine control stops.
What is the fastest ever time to travel from Darwin to Adelaide under Solar Power?
29 hours and 24 minutes by Nuna 3 in 2005.
What was the fastest average speed?
102.75 km per hour minutes by Nuna 3 in 2005.
Why was 2007 slower than 2005 when technology is improving all the time?
Two reasons: A speed limit was introduced in the Northern Territory, making the maximum speed 130km per hour, instead of the speeds that were previously possible. Nuna 3 traveled at up 147km per hour in 2005.
Second reason: Nuna 3 had 8 square meters of solar panels. Nuna 4 only has 6 square meters because they participated in different classes.