Information on this blog is raw and sometimes unverified reporting straight from the road by teams. The event will issue a media release for any events requiring an official notification.
Note that links in blog entries are not maintained, so while a link may be verified to work on the day of publishing, this is not guaranteed beyond that day.
Good news has come from additional testing following Continuum's encounter with a dust devil on September 27th. Testing and inspection of the solar array revealed no damaged modules and no drop in performance. A repair to our vehicle's canopy was made successfully and a spare has since been completed. The only lasting sign of the incident is a small chip in the paint on Continuum's trailing edge.
(Above Left) AUS dust devil (Above Right) Chipped paint on array

(Above) Hole dug by falling array's trailing edge

Continuum underwent two more days of wind tunnel testing early last week thanks to the generous support of Holden. 9 students traveled to the
Monash University's Clayton campus in southeast Melbourne to use their full-scale wind tunnel, the only one of its size in the southern hemisphere. The drag measurements gathered during this testing will play a vital role in the development of our team's strategy for the upcoming race.
This was the second round of wind tunnel testing for Continuum. Initial testing was performed at the Jacobs Engineering Group wind tunnel in early July using the vehicle's display upper surface. Additional testing provides valuable information on changes in drag caused by the solar array, race fairings, body seams, and air vents.

(Above) Drawing of the 1.4 Megawatt
Monash University wind tunnel.

Monash University built a custom platform to hold Continuum in the main test section

(Above) The tunnel is soundproofed to help test noise levels for Ford and Holden vehicles

(Above) Return duct intake at tail end of main test section

(Above) Scale models of various buildings and bridges are tested
in the wind tunnel's 12m x 5m return duct.

(Above) Continuum being lifted into the
Monash tunnel

(Above) Continuum strapped to rotating table with load cells under each wheel

(Above) Early wind tunnel testing at the Jacobs Engineering Group wind tunnel in July 2007
Less than one week is left before we begin track testing at the Hidden Valley Raceway. After finishing some last minute modifications in Adelaide, we'll be hitting the road early Wednesday morning to begin our 3000 kilometer commute to Darwin.
Go Blue!
--Brian Ignaut